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  • Writer's pictureRyan "Shrek" Marion

Parallel Motion Interview!

Parallel Motion is a metal band based out of Orlando, Florida that debuted in 2017 with their first single "The Monotony." With their recent release on the EP "Illogical" I have been listening to them more and more. They give off some pretty high energy and definitely know how to create some catchy hooks. According to their Facebook page "Parallel Motion brings melodic yet heavy music influenced by an old school sound with a modern approach. Their commitment to breaking from the overwhelming routine of their everyday life reflects in an intense live performance that catches the attention of the listeners." And I absolutely agree with that summary of the band. I recently reached out to the band with some questions and lead singer Dave Juan along with drummer Jons Blakk were kind enough to answer them for us.

What was the process for coming up with the name Parallel Motion and what is the meaning behind it?

Dave Juan: I believe it was our first or second rehearsal as a band; the name was thrown around by one of the members. We slept on it and when we saw it on paper the next day we loved it. We didn't intend for it to have meaning.

What's your reason for getting into the music industry?

Jons Blakk: I feel like music has a way of connecting with people unlike any other type of art. When I started playing drums, it was all about getting better. Once I got better I knew that career in music is what I wanted.

What artists/bands are your biggest influences?

Dave: Korn, Metallica, Stone Sour, and Pantera

Jons: Black Sabbath, Motley Crue and Slayer were big influences to me growing up. Their attitudes and drive to be different really made me want to be in a band and become a rock star. Chris Adler (Lamb of God), Vinnie Paul (Pantera), Dave Lombardo (Slayer), and Matt McGuire (The Chainsmokers) are drummer goals

Have you found getting gigs or just getting into the spotlight difficult?

Dave: It is hard work, it is no easy task but that's the best part about it. If you love what you do it's always worth it.

Jons: Lots of people say the same thing, "to be in the spotlight." It can get a bit tough to get people to listen to your music when there arre 50 other bands doing the same thing. We believe in creating songs that connect with people instead of trands, songs that will make you ask for more Parallel Motion

What is something you love about the rock music genre?

Dave: Just how raw, sincere, and in your face it can be. Every word is just sharing their hearts with you and rock crowds are super fun.

Jons: That rock songs have no expiration date. A good pop song can last or maybe be "hot" for a couple of months, even a whole year. But a god rock song can last years, even decades. Don't believe me? Ask Ozzy Osbourne or Mick Jagger.

What is something you dislike about it and how would you change that?

Dave: I think rock has too many sub-genres that there is a little bit of everybody to enjoy. I wish the Grammy's would give metal and rock more spotlight.

Jons: Envy and jealousy. It sucks that there's a lot of that in rock and roll. Also, don't like bands that hate on each other. Music should bring us together not tear us apart. It would be cool to see big-name bands promoting and supporting the younger acts, the future of rock and roll depends on that.

What are some obstacles or difficulties you run into while writing new music?

Dave: When I get blocked I have learned to just step away, do something different, and then come back to it. I don’t like forcing music, I think that just takes the sincerity and rawness away.

Jons: We put a lot of pressure on ourselves trying to achieve that "perfect sound" and sometimes it can become a headache. It's always a challenge trying to create something better than your last production.

What's your creative process like?

Dave: Ury the guitar player usually sends us ideas and we go back and forth until we are happy with it.

Who would you most love to collaborate with?

Dave: Corey Taylor, Slipknot, and Lady Gaga

Jons: It would be awesome to have Parallel Motion music produced by Rick Rubin and Dr. Dre

What's the best advice you've been given?

Dave: Keep working hard and doing what you love.

Jons: Believe in yourself, never give up.

What's next for Parallel Motion?

Dave: We are currently writing a new EP and will be focusing on playing a few states in 2020.

Jons: More music, live shows, touring, media, promos, etc. We want to keep giving our audience quality content and music that connects with them. 2020 will bring a lot of that.

Parallel Motion's EP was released on September 20, 2019 and we absolutely recommend listening to it. It has 5 songs and is just under 20 minutes long, so do yourself a favor, throw it on and turn it up!!

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