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  • Writer's pictureRyan "Shrek" Marion

Slaves: Talk to a Friend

Slaves' "Talk to a Friend" is essentially stating that you wouldn’t drag your friends down with the ways you speak so why would you drag yourself down?

The song starts out as a phone conversation between two friends that turns into one of them confiding in the other one. From the sound of it, The speaker has recently split with his significant other and is going to his friend for support, wondering how he can be a better person even with the scars of his past relationships and mistakes. He begins to question if there is any point in trying because it hard for him to even talk about things no matter how simple the it may seem it should be.

The song continues as the speaker begins to take responsibility for his mistakes and actions by "claiming" them but continues to question how he can move on with the memories and reminders of his past. He is then told that there's bound to be something that hasn’t been shared and that he wont be judged for anything. The chorus follows after.

During the chorus, there are two different voices, one is the speaker telling himself to treat himself better and to get help and hopefully work on some self love.

The speaker states that he resents everything he's done and its lead him to be depressed, then asks five questions that he keeps asking himself:

How could I hit rock bottom never learning a lesson?

I'm guessing he repeats his mistakes and never changes his behavior.

Do I deserve this hurting?

Is the emotional pain he's in something that he should live with and keep being in a depressive state?

If my body goes limp would I float to the surface?

He feels like he's drowning and if he just lets go of his baggage would he be able to break the surface and be able to breathe again?

Or can I live in a world with no purpose?

If he cant let it go, will he be able to even live with himself knowing he wont ever be happy.

How could I change when I'm still the same person?

He thinks that he cant change and he will just continue to repeat his mistakes.

This is followed by another chorus.

He feels like he is in this viscous cycle of constant wrong actions and depression waiting to finally die. He begins to question if he should even be given the chance to correct his wrongs and come to terms with things. Feeling like no matter how much he's trying to work on himself it wont matter.

Followed by the final chorus.

The song as a whole is practically a message, saying self love is super important. If you aren't going to speak to someone you care about the way you talk to yourself then why would you do it?

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