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  • Writer's pictureRyan "Shrek" Marion

Grime: Sunshine

Grime is a three-piece groove rock band established in 2012 from North Dakota with Andrew Wickenheiser on vocals and bass alongside Nick Jensen on guitar and vocals as well. The duo formed band after meeting in Music Theory class at Bismarck State College, and played in a few cover bands and acoustic open mics. After braving a North Dakota blizzard to play their first show, The band went on to spend 2013 being the local opener for acts such as Green Hello, Meat Puppets, Wayland and Royal Bliss, and a festival gig with Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. After parting ways with their first drummer, Grime brought in Tim Gray and recorded their first EP, 'Hitch Hiking Prohibited', in 2015. They had a small tour run in the upper midwest and got to open for Act of Defiance, featuring former members of Megadeth, and then started work on our debut album 'What We Have Become'. Unfortunately Tim Gray parted ways with the band just before the release of the album. The guys took on Cale Mogard to play the drums and did a second short tour run in the upper midwest where they really worked on their following in Eastern North Dakota and Western Minnesota. Cale retired from Grime in January of this year (2020) and the core duo have been working on new music since then, and hope to announce the new drummer and album this fall

They dropped their album 'What We Have Become' on September 15, 2018. Their track 'Sunshine' from that album got a live music video treatment and was release on YouTube on March 30 of this year (2020). I recently found their latest music video and was very impressed with the song.

'Sunshine' talks about being alone with your thought as night falls, they start to take a turn towards darker ones starting you into a depression and you tend to stay in that darkness. Once you start that slope, the light in your life just starts to fade out, letting the darkness bleed through and consuming everything. Once you've been depressed, you more or less lose your innocence and aren't really the same after. Your beliefs should help you keep your head up and move forward in your trying times but its as if they don’t really matter in your mind and that creates internal conflict, worsening the situation. It goes on to say how no matter what we are feeling the world keeps moving around you even though its as if it ere burning down around you. As you re unsure of how to fix the darkness within, you tend to try filling it with whatever you think will satisfy it, even to the point of moral questioning behavior without any remorse for anything. This song definitely caught my ear when I listened to it the first time around and kept me in every time after. It set the bar for the rest of Grime's music and they did not disappoint. I definitely give 'Sunshine' by Grime a 10/10 and am looking forward to what else the bad can create.

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