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  • Writer's pictureRyan "Shrek" Marion

Slave by Parallel Motion

The new single from Parallel Motion has dropped and it definitely surprised me. They had told me they were tweaking their sound to be heavier and hit harder, and they were not joking. This new track hits hard and delivers a great message. According to the band, "Slave is the evolution of Parallel Motion sonically and lyrically. The track talks about becoming a slave of your own dreams and how you can lose who you are when they are controlling you."

Being a fan of Parallel Motion, I really enjoy the direction they are taking their new sound. If this song is merely a tease for what's to come from these guys, I more than welcome it with open ears. I definitely understand how you could become a slave to your dreams, getting in over your head, you start to ignore other things in your life and take them for granted. You start becoming consumed in your work and passion, taking in everyone else's comments and criticisms to the point that you stop working on your dream for you and start doing it for others.

Always follow your dreams, but only follow them for you. Never forget who you are and why its your dream to begin with. Take in criticism but don’t let it take over and direct your dream for you.

During a conversation I had with Dave Juan (lead singer of Parallel Motion) about the track, he stated "This song has been the hardest song I have had to record and work on ever. I had to dig deep question of why I love music and a billion other things. I am proud of it. Ready to work more."

So if you couldn’t tell, my verdict on Slave by Parallel Motion, 10/10 would recommend!!!!

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