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  • Writer's pictureRyan "Shrek" Marion

Take Me With The Flood by OtherworlD

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

Hailing out of Orlando, Florida, OtherworlD is a 4-piece "multi-genre" metal band formed by brothers Conner "C.J." (vocals & guitar) and Ty "Yeti" (bass & synthesizer) Lindsay. After a few set changes the band would be made whole by bringing on Austin "Spanky" Baxter (guitar) and Brandon "BamBam" Rebmann (drums).

Their first single, 'Be', would release on May 1,2019 on Spotify. Only to be followed up by their first EP 'Upon the Wreckage' on April 1, 2017. They've been hard at work on creating a story driven concept EP, slotted to release late May of this year (2020), with the first song being 'Take Me With The Flood'.

'Take Me With The Flood' is definitely a killer track in my opinion. It has some great melodic guitars backed up by an powerful drum track. Definitely a change from the band's normal sound, and not in a bad way at all. When it comes to music, a band that can change their sound and pull it off is worth the investment to listen to. The song is set in a modern world that is threatened with a great flood, and even with obvious signs, everyone ignored them and absentmindedly followed others around them. Only after the flood has started do the people recognize the wrong in their ways and actions do they start begging for forgiveness. The end of the track is finished with the lyric "is the world worth saving this way" meaning to me that someone is questioning if there could have been another way to save and cleanse the world of its corruption.

The track itself gets a 10/10 from me and I absolutely can't wait to hear the full album and story these guys have in store for us!

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1 comentario

29 abr 2020

Sounds awesome! Cant wait for the album to release

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