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  • Writer's pictureRyan "Shrek" Marion

Cruel Curses Interview!

Updated: Mar 5, 2023

I recently discovered a 4 piece "groove-rock" band by the name of Cruel Curses. Based out of the Tampa Bay area here in Florida, features "intermingling guitars over a groove-driven rhythm section, our songs are sprinkled with odd time signatures and topped with melodic vocals." After lead singer and guitarist Ryen Gerson reached out on behalf of the other members (Nick Ehas - guitar, Jeff Briggs - Bass, & Cameron Kuhn - drums) and introduced me to the band I decided to give them a listen. Needless to say I instantly and thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful sound of groove rock, something I never really thought about listening to. My first response back, I asked if he would mind going answering some questions and luckily Ryen was all for it. If you’ve read my interview with Parallel Motion, you may notice the same questions. These questions I've written are to get to know the artists, along with why they love making music.

What was the process for coming up with the name Cruel Curses and what is the meaning behind it?

Sadly, no fun story here! Cruel Curses as name was literally just sticking two words together that sounded kind of goofy, but hopefully not TOO goofy. Also, good alliteration never hurt people remembering it!

What is your reason for getting into the music industry?

I personally started playing music at age 4, and in bands at 10. And as time has moved forward, so to have my desires for playing music. When I was younger of course the desire was to “make it big!” And the dream of sharing something you’re proud of has never left, but I’ve found the satisfaction of making music for myself. That was something I don’t think I was able to connect with until I was later into my 20’s sadly. Now, of course Cruel Curses is the most serious project I’ve ever been in, but I also can step back and really enjoy the act of just playing and creating.

What bands/artists are your biggest influences?

Queens of The Stone Age, Foo Fighters, Led Zeppelin, The Black Crows, Thrice to name the top ones!

Have you found getting gigs or just into the spotlight difficult?

Yes and no...shows are there, especially if you work hard to be professional and courteous. But, where it can get tricky is playing the social media game. Today is much different than it was 15 years ago (I know, grandpa over here complaining) but it keeps me on my toes. Algorithms, likes, and other social media whatchacallits make my very tiny brain ache, but it’s part of the “spotlight” now. The more social and connected you can be, the bigger your brand/image/band can be, which in someways, is bigger than your live presence to some!

What is something you love about the rock music genre?

I feel rock and roll can be paired with just about feeling or other genre. You can branch out in so many ways, but keep a core element. Plus, rock and roll has this cross section of boogie, power and swagger that is pretty undeniable.

What is something you dislike about it and how would you change that?

Dislike? Hmmm...I’d have to say the closest thing to dislike would be how this game gets played where people say “ROCK IS DEAD”. Why? Because Taylor Swift is popular? Even in our tiny towns and at our local shows, rock and roll is alive and well....and when you go on tour or search Spotify, there’s plenty of amazing indie and unknown rock and roll bands making bad ass music. It’s only being claimed as dead because it’s not the most prominent genre. I have no Idea how to fix that perception.

What are some obstacles or difficulties you run into while writing new music?

I definitely struggle with repeating myself. Whether that be the feel of something; the way a riff or chord progression is phrased or laid’s important to have your core elements as a writer; that tool box you reach into and pull from, but it’s easy to get to reliant on those comforts and never test your limits.

What is your creative process like?

I started on drums and played as drummer in multiple different genres and bands through my teens. At 15, I picked up guitar and began teaching myself. I love drums and will always feel at home behind a drum set, so my writing usually starts with groove. Even though I do start writing on guitar, it won’t be long before I’m behind a drum set or tabulating the groove out. From there I build a melody and write the second guitar part and bass line to flesh it out.

Who would you most love to collaborate with?

Josh Homme or Dave Grohl. (Sighs sensually)

What’s the best advice you've been given?

Pretty age old adage: don’t care what other people think. It’s never easy and I rarely can, but it is good advice when you’re trying to selfishly make something for yourself. Don’t worry how other will perceive it or even if they’ll like it. Just find the space to like it yourself, let the rest unfurl as it will. You can’t control it anyways!

What's next for Cruel Curses?

We’re releasing our new album on June 5th,2020. This whole Coronavirus thing has thrown a lot of us into holding patterns and stand stills... and thankfully, things seem to be looking up as we enter the summer months, but who knows and we couldn’t wait any longer as we’ve been sitting in the completed album since late in 2019. Ha, for my mental health I have to get this thing out there!

Beyond that, we had a tentative mid-west tour planned for August/September but we will have to see how that goes...we may postpone that until next year...lastly, we are working on a new concept album that I’m thrilled about! That will likely get turned around real quick and hopefully we will have that out in early 2021!

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